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Course, Map, Altitude Profile

Course Summary

Stinson Beach Community Center, up Dipsea to Cardiac, down Coast View to Heather Cutoff, Muir Woods Road to Pelican Inn, Coastal Fire Road past Green Gulch Farm to Muir Beach Aid Station in parking lot.

Back to Green Gulch, through the farm to Middle Green Gulch to Coyote to Miwok to Tennessee Valley Aid Station.

Up Marincello onto Bobcat, Alta, SCA to Conzelman/McCullough and BridgeView Aid Station.

Down Coastal Fire Road, across Bunker Road left, then right to Rodeo Valley Trail, Alta, Bobcat, Miwok, Old Springs to TV Aid Station.

Down Coastal Fire Road then up and around to Pirates Cove route to MB Aid Station.

Leave MB past Green Gulch to Pelican Inn, Muir Woods Road, Heather Cutoff, Coast View to Cardiac Aid Station.

Old Mine Trail, Pan Toll parking lot, Coastal/Matt Davis, stay high on Coastal to Bolinas Ridge Aid Station.

Bolinas Ridge Fire Road to Randall Trail gate, left down Randall to Randall Aid Station.

Back up Randall, right onto BoRidge Fire Road to BR Aid Station.

Coastal Trail to sharp right hairpin turn onto rocky, rooty, low-hanging branchy Matt Davis Trail to Finish.

Map and Altitude Profile

Detailed Course Description

  • Starting line – click on for location of race morning parking, check-in and start. There will be signs on the front porch on race morning for Tennessee Valley, Randall, and Finish drop bags.
  • Start at Stinson Beach Community Center – Turn on your headlamp and head down the road a block to the Fire Station. Turn left onto Highway 1 briefly, left again onto double-wide dirt up to the Dipsea Trail. Follow the Dipsea up “the moors” before dawn, and down Insult Hill. Turn right across the bridge and climb, climb, climb up the Dipsea Trail to CardiacWhat’s that sound…?
  • Cardiac Aid Station – (no aid station set up yet – it’s only 2.8 miles!You’ve got a long downhill coming up so use the portapotties here and then drop down Coast View Trail to Heather Cutoff then go right across Santos MeadowCross the paved road then go right on Redwood Creek Trail. At its end, go left on the road, then cross to the Pelican Inn – single-file only, please – on Pacific Way and make a quick left onto Coastal Fire Road, all the way to the Muir Beach Aid Station in the parking lot.
  • Muir Beach Aid Station (no crews)– You must check in at Muir Beach, where Aid Station Captains Fred Liebes and Charlene Bayles and their phenomenal crew will help you on your way, then retrace your steps to the Green Gulch Zen Center entrance and stride along their fields, turning right at the bathtub to leave the farm through a gate to access the lovely Middle Green Gulch trail, switchback up to the ridge, go left onto Coyote at the top, then turn right onto Miwok to Tennessee Valley Aid Station.
  • Tennessee Valley Aid Station (crew ok) – say hi to Captain Stan Jensen and his great volunteers, access your drop bag, then head out of the aid station as directed and turn left to ascend Marincello Fire Road. Fire road intersections are complex right here; we expect to have a volunteer directing foot traffic up there but review the trail map before the race. “Left turn then a quick right” from Bobcat onto Alta at the “H”, “straight/slight left” onto the rugged SCA trail from Alta – yep, that’s the Golden Gate Bridge just below you – cross McCullough Road near Conzelman Road and, hey, there’s the Bridge View Aid Station.
  • Bridge View Aid Station (no crews)– Aid Station Captain Ana Braga-Levaggi and the Tamalpa running club will get you what you need to head down Coastal fire road (dirt) all the way to Bunker Road (paved), veer towards your left on Bunker Road and cross the road carefully. Continue left along Bunker Road for about 100 yards then veer right over a bridge. Shortly after the bridge turn right onto Rodeo Valley Trail and continue along Rodeo Valley Trail to the top of the ridge and left onto Alta/Wolfback then onto Bobcat at the “H” to the Miwok Trail. Turn left onto Miwok and right onto Old Springs Trail, winding your way down Old Springs to the Miwok Stables. ALL RUNNERS MUST WALK THROUGH THE STABLE AREA, from the fallen log to the “OK to run now” sign so you don’t scare horses and their pint-size riders, to arrive at Tennessee Valley Aid Station.
  • Tennessee Valley Aid Station (crew ok) –  Cutoff at Tennessee Valley Aid Station is 11:15 a.m. Grab anything you need from your drop bag, then cruise left out of the parking lot down Coastal Fire Road and the beautiful Pirates’ Cove. Smile for the camera! Up, over, around, down and left to the aid station at Muir Beach.
  • Muir Beach Aid Station (crew ok)– Tell the volunteers they made your day, then retrace your steps on Coastal Fire Road out to the Pelican Inn. Follow our course monitors’ and the nice CHP officer’s instructions to cross the road onto Redwood Creek Trail, then back across Santos Meadow to Heather Cutoff. Head up Coast View Trail to Cardiac Aid Station. Push a solid uphill pace here so that you’re not pushing the cutoff at Randall a few hours later…
  • Cardiac Aid Station (no crews)- Cutoff here is 1:45 p.m. Fuel and hydrate as needed; thank our San Francisco Running Company (SFRC) volunteers, turn around to look at the view, then head up into the forest and veer right onto Old Mine Trail to the Pan Toll Ranger Station parking lot (no crews allowed at Pan Toll)Cross the parking lot up near the ranger kiosk, then cross Panoramic Highway when our Volunteers and the CHP give you the thumbs up to get onto Matt Davis. At the next intersection, stay to the right onto Bolinas Ridge Trail. Now the course rolls high on the mountain with exquisite views all the way to Bolinas Ridge Aid Station.
  • Bolinas Ridge Aid Station (no crews)– surf’s up at this aid station run by Captains Jennifer and Franz Dill, Omar Droubi, and the Coastside Running Club. Enjoy their incredible energy and inspiration then get outta there! Really focus on strong forward progress as you follow the rolling fire road through some ancient Redwoods to the Randall Trail gate on your left. Keep your eyes open so you don’t miss the course markings. Go left through the gate at the top of Randall Trail and switchback down to Randall Trail Aid Station
  • Randall Trail Aid Station (crews & pacers ok)– Cutoff here is at 5:20 p.m. Eat, drink, use the portapotties, access your drop bag, bow to Aid Station Captain Chuck Wilson (unless Chuck is off again on some incredible foreign adventure…) and the wonderful group of long-time Randall volunteers. Only 12 miles to go, and you can pick up your pacer here if you need one (make sure they signed their waiver!) Retrace your route back up Randall and turn right onto the Bolinas Ridge Fire Road to Bolinas Ridge Aid Station.
  • Bolinas Ridge Aid Station (no crews; cutoff here is 7:02 p.m.)– cheer the volunteers from Coastside Running Club in Half Moon Bay, and head back on the Bolinas Ridge Trail single-track along the flanks of Mount Tam to the Matt Davis intersection, and turn right down Matt Davis Trail (one of my favorites). The very rocky, rooty, slow & technical Matt Davis Trail is a hairpin right-hand turn below the main trail – a few pairs of tired legs might miss the turn and end up at Pan Toll so focus, focus… over the toe-catching roots and under the low-hanging branches all the way down to the Community Center and a hard-earned finish. We’ll be waiting for you.
  • Finish at Stinson Beach Community Center (Cutoff is 8:30 p.m.– wash off any poison oak with Tecnu, put on some dry clothes, and enjoy our warm food and great company. Don’t forget to pick up your drop bags and your goodie bag! Due to covid rules and poison oak, drop bags not picked up by 9:00 p.m. are placed in the dumpster for disposal.